Sorry it’s been forever since I posted anything! We’ve really been enjoying our summer! We’ve celebrated both of my niece’s 2nd birthdays, went camping, went boating, and spent a lot of time with family and friends. Olivia has been crawling all over lately. She spider crawls, on her hands and feet. It’s very cute! I am working on getting a video and promise to post it soon! We’ve had lots of doctor appointments, mainly follow-up appointments. The most major one was with Dr. Pauli. He felt that things were going well. He is concerned about her back, but given her respiratory issues, it is impossible to brace her right now, so we’ll just have to wait. The only other concern he had was her reflux. We spent a good portion of the appointment discussing that. Olivia is scheduled to see the GI doctor on July 27. We’re hoping to get some resolution at that point since the vomiting is now starting to damage her teeth. Other than the vomiting, Olivia is very happy. She’s a very chatty little lady, although the only real words she says are mama and dada. We hope everyone is enjoying your summer! We sure are!
Olivia's cousin Cora loves her!

Out boating! Olivia isn't sure what to think if it!

Cora will be such a great big sister!

Mamoo and her girls!

Chillin' with Great-Grandma Nelson!

Olivia was not a fan of the splash park!