Olivia had her best pulmonary appointment ever yesterday! Her doctor had talked with her geneticist about her growth because he was concerned that reducing or removing her oxygen would interfere with her growth. Her geneticist thought that the only way to tell would be to try her without her oxygen for a couple of months. Her doctor and I were afraid that if we did that and then she needed to go back on it would be brutal to put her back on. So we decided that she’s doing well enough that we are going to start going to appointments every two months instead of every month. When the dietician came in she was very happy that Olivia had gained almost a pound since her appointment last month. Next came the respiratory therapist. They always check her O2 sats on her oxygen and off her oxygen. Olivia maintained 98% without oxygen for 15-20 minutes! She’s never been that high before!! The doctor stopped back in before we left and said that since her sats were that good we should turn her down from 0.3 to 0.2 and see how she does with that between now and November. YAY Olivia!
Yay for so much great news!! Olivia is so adorable and has grown up so much since I last saw pics! Cute pictures - love the one of her looking at the pond! So happy to hear how well she is doing!
This is great news :0) Olivia is growing up so much ~ she is adorable! Good News about her oxygen levels. I believe it was Dr. Pauli who once told me that it is not uncommon for our little ones average O2 levels to be around 97. You may want to ask your doctors to contact him.
Olivia was born 3 months premature, and at two months was diagnosed with Achondroplasia. Thanks for taking the time to read about our life with Olivia! You can e-mail me at beckykiefer@charter.net
Congratulations!!! She is adorable!!! We are going to be home October 2 - 10, maybe we could get together for a playdate.
She's getting so big! She's not a baby anymore. What a doll. I'm glad she's doing so well!
Yay for great news! Love all the pictures, Olivia is really growing up!
What sweet pictures. Olivia feeding the fawn was precious. Great to see he standing and moving around and so big now!
I'm so glad you've updated! Olivia has grown and she has gotta be the cutest little girl! She's a doll and I'm glad to hear she's doing so well!
Yay for so much great news!! Olivia is so adorable and has grown up so much since I last saw pics! Cute pictures - love the one of her looking at the pond! So happy to hear how well she is doing!
This is great news :0) Olivia is growing up so much ~ she is adorable! Good News about her oxygen levels. I believe it was Dr. Pauli who once told me that it is not uncommon for our little ones average O2 levels to be around 97. You may want to ask your doctors to contact him.
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